Anu has left Rajat’s home as he could not keep her trust in their love. Anu tells her family that she can’t be in such marriage where there is no trust and respect. Rajat thinks about his actions hurting Anu in the past and regrets. Anu has proved herself innocent and Karishma’s track has been detached from Rajat’s life. While Alka and Rohan are progressing in their relationship and failed Astha’s efforts in making Alka away from Rohan, they also try to make Anu and Rajat sure of their feelings.
Rajat apologizes to Anu for blaming her and not trusting her at the hour of love test. Anu talks to Rajat’s seniors and explains everything how someone’s crazy love and madness became the reason of all this matter. Rajat is cleared of all the wrong blames and his post is returned to him with all respect. Rajat resumes his duty and is thankful to Anu. Neil and Devyaani are taking their friendship ahead and taking steps in bringing Rajat and Anu together. They place Anu’s pic in Rajat’s room and Rajat’s pics in Anu’s room, to make them realize their suppressed feelings and how love is meant to be united and accepted to reach its destination. They bring Anu and Rajat face to face and persuade them to start talking. Anu is still laid back and is unsure whether Rajat will accept her by his will, and recalls his words that her love confession was like stabbing his heart. Rajat confesses his feelings to her once again. Will Anu be able to forgive Rajat and give a chance to their marriage? Keep reading.