Adi comes to the kitchen to cook something for him and lights the match sticks. The fire broke out because of glass leakage, and Adi gets unconscious. Ishita notices the fire and rushes to the kitchen. She sees Adi lying unconsciously trapped in fire. Ishita shouts and tries to wake him up, but in vain. She tries to set off the fire with water, but couldn’t as the fire keep on increasing. She shouts, but no one hears her screams.
Ishita saves Adi, but needs help to come out of fire. Ishita did not expect such occurrence of the fire. She was enjoying and spending quality time with Raman, the moment before this fire accident. Who will come to their rescue? Shagun is conspiring against Ishita, along with Ashok. It is yet to be seen how Ishita will handle Shagun’s conspiracy. Will this prove that Ishita is better mother than Shagun, and end Shagun’s chapter for once and all? Will Shagun take a lesson by Adi’s life risk and let her kids stay happy in Ishita’s care? Keep reading.