Rishabh helps Sarla by booking the marriage hall and giving her money as advance payment. He ends Sarla’s tension. Sarla gets relieved that her marriage hall will not be sealed now, Rishabh’s help solves the problem for her. She gets emotional thinking she has never done anything for Shrishti and Preeta. Sarla hopes that she will take well care of her daughters now. She feels Preeta is responsible for getting help from Rishabh.
Sarla knows Rishabh could have booked any grand hall for his engagement, but he helped them by booking their small marriage hall. She calls up Preeta to ask about Rishabh. Preeta becomes a favorite in Rishabh’s house. Preeta learns about Rishabh’s help to Sarla. Sarla tells the matter to Preeta. Preeta realizes Rishabh’s goodness. Rishabh doesn’t want to get engaged with Sherlyn. He sits lost when the family rejoices seeing some old photos. She senses Rishabh is unhappy and is thinking about Preeta. Sheryln gets upset. She fears that Rishabh and Preeta will come close and they will get married. Sherlyn conspires to take revenge from Preeta.