Kareena blames Preeta for everything gone wrong. Preeta apologizes to Rishabh and his family. She tells them that she is innocent. Kareena tells them that Preeta is responsible for all the chaos and loss. Preeta does not know how did this happen. Kareena threatens of calling police. Shrishti asks Kareena to get the food tested in lab and know the truth. She also wants to know who is behind the incident.
Kareena calls police and complains about Sarla and her daughters. She asks inspector to come fast and arrest the food caterers. Sherlyn’s mum realizes Sherlyn is behind everything. Police comes to arrest Sarla. Sherlyn gets glad as her plan is working well. Karan and Rishabh stay speechless and don’t know how to help Preeta. They are also worried for the guests. Kareena asks inspector to punish them. Sarla gets arrested because of the food poisoning incident in Kumkum Bhagya marriage hall. Preeta and Shrishti get panic stricken seeing Sarla taken by the police. The family didn’t expect such sorrowful moment to be seen.