Kahaan Hum Ends Today Beautiful Ronakshi union The show’s last episode goes on fast pace, where everything falls into place. Rohit takes Naren in disguise. Nishi meets to see them. Pooja distracts Nishi and lets Rohit leave easily. Rohit informs Sonakshi that he is taken Naren to replace the faulty pacemaker and save his life.
He asks her to keep Nishi engaged for few hours and not let her enter Naren’s room. He doesn’t want Nishi to know about Naren’s surgery. Nishi wants the phone to get fixed soon. She gets panicking because of Rohit’s absence. She refuses to play holi with anyone. Pooja takes Yash to Nishi.
She insists Nishi to have thandai. Yash and Pooja forcibly feed her the bhaang thandai. Nishi yells at them and turns violent. She rushes to the washroom to vomit the thandai and get normal. She gets dizzy and tries to take control of her situation. Pooja misleads her. Yash isn’t aware of Pooja’s plans and unknowingly helps her. Nishi looks for Rohit. She wants Yash to get medicines for her. Yash goes away. Sonakshi meets Nishi. Pooja lies that Sonakshi isn’t there. Nishi knows Sonakshi is really there. Sonakshi threatens to expose Nishi.
Nishi tells that she knows how to turn the tables. She gets the repaired phone and gets the power in her hands. She catches Sonakshi. She hurts her and tells that she isn’t intoxicated by her cheap bhaang trick. Rohit tells Naren that he is going to begin the surgery, and very soon everything will be fine. He performs the surgery and replaces the compromised pacemaker in time.
Nishi switches off the pacemaker app when Sonakshi tries to snatch the phone. She tells that she has killed Naren, he is no more now. Sonakshi is sure that Rohit has saved Naren’s life. Sonakshi worriedly tells that Nishi’s truth will be soon out in front of the family.
Nishi tells that Naren knew her truth and is dead now, no one can bring out her truth. She tries to kill Sonakshi. She confesses all her crimes. She admits that she had broken Rohit and Sonakshi’s marriage just for her selfish motives. She tells that she had tried to kill Naren and also Rohit. She wants Sonakshi to die.
She wants to rule over Sippys once again. Sonakshi is aware of all her crimes. Nishi tells that she had blackmailed Rohit and made him divorce Sonakshi, when he got to know her evil truth. Nishi attempts to push down Sonakshi from the balcony, just like she tried to kill Naren.
Veena and entire family witness Nishi’s evil and save Sonakshi. Veena slaps Nishi and drags her away. Sukhmani and family feel ashamed of Nishi’s evil. Nishi admits that she has killed Naren in the second attempt. Veena cries for Naren. Nishi gets slapped by Veena and Sonakshi. Rohit returns home with the good news that Naren is alive and safe at the hospital.
He tells that he had taken Naren to the hospital for the surgery for replacing the pacemaker. Nishi is exposed in front of them. Suman and Pari join the family. Suman insults Nishi while Rohit gets the latter arrested. Veena makes a hearty apology to Sonakshi. She feels she has been a bad mother-in-law. Sonakshi doesn’t think Veena is wrong, since Nishi has brainwashed everyone against her.
Rohit, Veena and Sonakshi express love for each other. They have a hug and rejoice. Veena wants to make Sonakshi her Bahu again. She gets them married again. Akash and Deepa also get married. Naren welcomes Sonakshi happily and feels proud of her. Netra offers a new tv show to Sonakshi. She wants Sonakshi to play the lead Tulsi.
Netra apologizes for her selfish behavior. Sumit and Netra wish Rohit and Sonakshi for their marriage. Naren permits Sonakshi to work, since he has no objection towards her profession now. Naren is happy that Sonakshi changed his thinking completely. Rohit and Sonakshi are happy that their lives, career and family are back on track. Sonakshi gets acceptance by Naren and Veena with all due respect. Sonakshi accepts the new show to build her career again. Rohit and Sonakshi unite forever, spreading much happiness.
Kundali Bhagya Worst upcoming twist
Reviewed Rating for this particular episode: 5/5
This rating is solely based on the opinion of the writer. You may post your take on the show in the comment section below.
Best comment by Nanjiba:
Best show ever in ITV. So unique and fresh storyline. Hat’s off to the makers. Star Plus didn’t gave extension. So sweet, short amazing show. Love you Ronakshi.
1 Comment
Best tv show ever….hatsoff Ronakshi powerpack performance by both of you ..love to c u both again ..pls come back soon ..will miss 9.00pm slot…