Bhagya Lakshmi 11th April 2023 Written Update Surprising Vikrant’s entry in the Oberoi house. Neelam tells Virender that Vikrant is coming today to meet Lakshmi. She wants Lakshmi to get married to a nice guy so that she never looks back at Rishi in the future. She wants Lakshmi to settle down with Vikrant and forget Rishi forever. Malishka tells Sonal that she wants the guy to be fat and ugly, because Lakshmi deserves it. Sonal and Sonia laugh and wish the same. Malishka wishes bad for Lakshmi. Ahana sadly tells Ayush that Vikrant is coming to meet Lakshmi. Ayush asks Ahana and Shalu not to worry because nothing will get final if Vikrant comes and meets Lakshmi. He tells that they have seen the picture, Vikrant doesn’t look good and he will get rejected. He is confident.
Rishi tells Lakshmi that everything was going well until they were friends, nothing had spoiled and now things changed when he loves her. Lakshmi cries. They see Malishka at the door and get worried. Rishi doesn’t want Lakshmi to suffer with the wrong person. Lakshmi tells that she will meet Vikrant and marry her if he is a nice person. She tells him about the good qualities of Vikrant that his family told them about. Vikrant arrives to meet Lakshmi.
While everyone assumes that he is ugly as seen in the picture, his handsome looks shock one and all. Vikrant turns out to be a nice, charming, and handsome young man. He seems better than Rishi’s expectations. Ayush gets worried when the entire family likes Vikrant and finds him perfect for Lakshmi. Will Rishi choose Vikrant for Lakshmi and let their marriage happen? Will Lakshmi realize her love for Rishi? Keep reading for a full and quick written update on your favorite Bhagya Lakshmi 11th April 2023.
Bhagya Lakshmi 11th April 2023 Written Update Surprising Vikrant:
Malishka asks Karishma to get Lakshmi married to Vikrant. She wants the guy to be just like her heart, black, ugly, and evil because she deserves it. Sonal and Sonia make fun of Lakshmi. They wish Lakshmi gets an ugly guy who is worse than Balwinder. Karishma laughs. She tells that Vikrant is Neelam’s choice, even if he doesn’t look good, his nature will be good. Malishka tells that she wants Lakshmi to know what she deserves. She tells that only she deserves Rishi. She adds that Lakshmi insulted her a lot, and if she gets an ugly guy, then she can never have a say in front of them. Dadi asks Neelam if Vikrant isn’t good or lacking anything because he is unmarried till now and he is marrying a divorcee now.
He tells that a widow and a divorcee also need a second chance, but she wants to know why is Vikrant marrying Lakshmi. Virender taunts Neelam’s thinking. Neelam tells that Vikrant is a nice guy, and if he isn’t good then Rishi will not let the marriage happen. Dadi knows Rishi cares a lot for Lakshmi. Neelam wants to change his thinking. She tells that Rishi argued with Sonia because Lakshmi was the reason. She wants Lakshmi to get married soon and leave Rishi’s life. She calls Lakshmi unlucky. She speaks to Vikrant’s mom. She tells them that Vikrant is coming to meet Lakshmi. She asks them to know Vikrant well and then decides. She tells that she understands Rishi’s happiness so she is helping Lakshmi get married to a nice guy, Lakshmi will never look back at Rishi and they will get separated forever. Ahana gets sad on hearing this.
Meanwhile, Rishi meets Lakshmi and tells her that she doesn’t have any pressure, she shouldn’t get married against her wish. She asks him why is he saying this, when he got her home saying he will get her married, he forced her to come with him. He asks her to refuse to Vikrant, who isn’t suitable for her. She asks him not to judge Vikrant by his looks. She tells that he is deciding for her life. She asks him to leave her on her own. She doesn’t want to stay in his house. She wants to stop Rishi and Neelam’s clashes. She tells him that she will go away and he won’t fight for her again.
He tells that it’s his mistake, nothing spoiled until they were friends and now he loves her. They have a moment. He tells her that he is responsible for it. He wishes he realized his love for her before. He apologizes. She sees Malishka behind him. Ayush tells that Rishi and Lakshmi are made for each other. He asks Shalu and Bani not to worry, Lakshmi will refuse Vikrant. They tell that Lakshmi will not judge Vikrant by his looks. He tells that he knows Vikrant is a liar, clever, and cheat. He adds that he has read Vikrant’s nose and got to know his traits. Shalu asks him how is it possible.
She asks him to read her nose and tell her about her. Ayush and Shalu have a romantic moment. Bani tells that she is also present in the room. Ayush tells that it’s Shalu’s mistake. Shalu tells that it’s not her mistake. Ayush tells that her eyes are very beautiful. She asks him to focus on her nose. He congratulates her for having a clean nose and a clean heart. Shalu laughs hearing his nonsense talk. Ayush says that he has read it, and Shalu loves him and his family.
Bani calls him mad. Ahana meets them and informs them that Vikrant is coming to meet Lakshmi. They get worried. Rano tells Neha that she will be getting rich if Lakshmi marries Vikrant. She plans to make Lakshmi agree to the marriage. She tells that she will brainwash Lakshmi, once Vikrant agrees to marry. Vikrant’s family likes Lakshmi a lot. They like Lakshmi’s calm nature. They are hopeful that Vikrant likes Lakshmi. They want to finalize the marriage. Saloni tells that she didn’t find Lakshmi’s sisters in favor of the marriage. Vikrant’s mom is sure that he will meet the family and win their heart. Saloni finds it strange that Lakshmi’s in-laws are getting her married.
Vikrant’s mom tells her that Lakshmi will become her Bahu. Rishi doesn’t know how will Malishka react. Lakshmi also fears that the relationships will shatter if Malishka tells the truth to the family. Malishka gets angry. She asks Rishi not to come in between today. Rishi tells her that he was telling Lakshmi about his feelings. She tells that she isn’t a fool, she understands Rishi and Lakshmi also. She rebukes him. Rishi and Lakshmi get relieved that Malishka didn’t hear anything. Malishka asks him not to brainwash Lakshmi to reject Vikrant.
Rishi tells that Lakshmi was saying a guy’s nature matters to her more than his looks. Malishka asks him to say the truth. She taunts Lakshmi for always refusing the marriage. Lakshmi tells that it won’t happen this time. Malishka calls her a hurdle in her marriage with Rishi. She tells that she loves Rishi a lot, and if she doesn’t marry him then she will end her life. She feels Lakshmi can never understand her pain, because she has lost everything in a hope of marriage. Rishi assures her that he will marry her. He doesn’t want bad to happen to anyone. She tells that she has kept patience which is really tough for her.