Chakor cooks food for Suraj. She dreams of Suraj. She recalls the moments spent with Suraj. Suraj tells her that even if she is a marathon runner, he will always catch hold of her, as she can never go away from him. They both have romance. She asks him to praise her qualities. He says its the tough thing for any husband. She says I know this well, husbands can’t speak the truth. Suraj laughs talking to her. Chakor’s dream doesn’t turn into reality.
Suraj misunderstands Chakor because of Imli’s poisoning his mind. Suraj goes to Chakor’s house to kill her. He finds her sleeping. He gets crazy to fulfill his revenge. Bhuvan stops Suraj from stabbing Chakor. He asks Suraj did he go mad. Suraj asks Bhuvan to leave him, he wants to kill Chakor to punish her for murdering his dad. He believes Chakor is wrong. He wants to take his revenge at any cost.
Chakor wants to tell Suraj the reason why she killed his dad. She couldn’t save herself from his anger. She accepts that she has killed Bhaiya ji to take revenge. Suraj doesn’t listen the real reason and misunderstands her. He believes his dad was a blessing for the village. He doesn’t want Bhaiya ji was a devil in human form. Chakor limits Suraj’s madness. She has belief that Suraj can’t believe Imli against her. Suraj doesn’t listen to her. Bhuvan and Kasturi stop Suraj and make Chakor escape to save her life.